Vigrx Plus Review: #1 – Male Enhancement Pill

Clinically Proven Male Enhancement Pills For Bigger, Harder, Longer Lasting Erections

VigRX Plus is like the Porsche of male enhancement pills. It may cost a little more than the competition but you’re getting one of the best engineered, highest performing products on the market. And that’s why VigRX Plus is definitely the #1 recommended male enhancement pill.

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Why We Rank VigRX Plus #1:

VigRX Plus is used by hundreds of thousands of men around the world as an alternative to expensive prescription medication like Viagra, with countless testimonials validating its results.

It’s the only natural male enhancement pill that has been clinically tested and proven to increase erection size and quality….

… backed up by independent clinical studies that are published in leading medical journals.

VigRX Plus is also the only male enhancement pill we know of that’s recommend by leading medical doctors in the USA as an alternative to prescription medication.In fact, it’s even recommended by Dr. Steven Lamm M.D. who is the Director of NYU Men’s Health Center.

VigRX first launched in 2002 and after four years of extensive testing the formula was further improved and re-released as VigRX Plus and has sold millions of boxes since.

Who Should Use VigRX Plus…

VigRX Plus is designed for any man who wants to improve his sexual performance with bigger, harder, longer lasting erections.

Whether you’re suffering from full blown erectile dysfunction or just need to put a little more lead in your pencil and rev up your libido, VigRX Plus may be the answer you’re looking for.

Now we don’t want to bore you with medical speak, so here’s a quick summary of the 54 page clinical study done by an independent laboratory and published in the US National Library Of Medicine.

During the clinical study, participants who took VigRX Plus for 84 days reported:

  • 58.97% INCREASE in ability to penetrate partner
  • 62.82% INCREASE in ability to maintain erection
  • 71.43% INCREASE in sexual & intercourse satisfaction
  • 47.00% INCREASE in overall sex drive and desire
  • 22.49% INCREASE in frequency and quality of orgasms

The bottom line is VigRX Plus has the science to back up its claims and that goes a long way when we are reviewing and recommending products here.

Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Plus Site

How does VigRX Plus work?

Any good male enhancement product, be it Viagra or VigRX Plus, works by increasing the blood flow to the penis, or more specifically the corpora cavernosa chambers in your penis.

Simply put, the more blood that flows to the penis, the bigger and harder the erection.

If you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction or your erection just isn’t as hard as it used to be, this means the corpora cavernosa chambers in your penis are not getting enough blood flow or they are not expanding for long enough.

Fortunately VigRX Plus has been formulated and proven to solve BOTH of those problems.

And in addition to solving those problems, VigRX Plus goes one step further and actually increases your libido and sex drive, something no prescription medication does.

VigRX Plus has one of the most comprehensive formulations on the market with numerous ingredients that when combined result in a potent male enhancement pill.

Here’s just a few of the ingredients that stood out to us:

Epimedium 4:1 Extract

It has been proven that the extract obtained from Epimedium has similar effects to Viagra. The extract itself provides an extremely powerful PDE-5 inhibitor, which develops the nitric oxide we require to relax and smooth the corpus cavernosa muscles resulting in much better blood circulation, in turn causing bigger and harder erections.

This ingredient has been used for centuries as a reliable and efficient sexual stimulant significantly improving both the quality of your erection and staying power. It is also proven to produce more intense and long-lasting orgasms.
Damiana is also frequently used to help diabetic men fix erection issues.

Ginkgo Biloba
Another well known ancient Chinese herb, Ginkgo Biloba has very strong antioxidant properties and enhances the function of nerve cells by increasing blood flow, in turn increasing the quality of your erection. Even The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has said that using Ginkgo Biloba can help fight issues in the bedroom.

Muira Pauma Bark Extract
Also known, as “erection root” this extract has been used by tribes in Brazil for thousands of years for its aphrodisiac qualities. In 1994, Dr. Jacques Waynberg conducted a study on 262 men suffering from this type of problem and the results were clear. Within just 2 weeks of use, 62% of the men reported the extract was having “a dynamic effect” and a full 51% of the men said the herb was beneficial to their libido and desire.

Bioperine helps your body ABSORB vital nutrients and minerals FAR more efficiently. By adding Bioperine to VigRX Plus’s potent cocktail of sexually enhancing herbs and compounds, your body will process up to 40% MORE of it, giving you the long term BOOST you need to regain your sexual prowess and stamina.

VigRX Plus Side Effects:

It’s no secret that prescription medications like Viagra and Cialis come with some pretty horrible side effects.
Sure they work, but are they worth the risk?

Especially when there are natural alternatives like VigRX Plus that have almost ZERO side effects.
The bottom-line is this: VigRX Plus has been around now for over 15 years, millions of VigRX Plus pills have been taken all over the world and we’ve not heard of any negative side effects.

Like any supplement, make sure you follow their recommended dosage of two tablets at the same time each day and let it build up in your system for maximum results.

VigRX Plus Pros & Cons

The best way to make sure you’re making the right choice is to carefully evaluate all pros and cons associated with a product you are interested in using. VigRX isn’t an exception in this matter. Let’s have a look at its Pros and Cons.

Click Here to Check Price on official Vigrx Plus Site

VigRX Pros:

  • Longest proven track-record (over 17 years) of any male enhancement pill on this website
  • Only male enhancement pill with independent clinical study published in medical journals
  • Huge discounts when purchasing multiple months
  • Recommended by medical doctors as natural alternative to prescription medication
  • Improves both erection quality AND increases libido
  • Generous money-back guarantee so you can try the product with little risk
  • Formulated and manufactured in the USA

VigRX Cons:

  • Slightly more expensive than competition if you don’t take advantage of volume discounts
  • Lots of counterfeit versions (only buy from official website)
  • Only available online

VigRX Plus – How Much? How Long?

So if it isn’t clear yet, let me make it clear -> We love VigRX Plus.
Now let’s get down to the questions we know are burning in your mind…

1. Where can you SAFELY buy VigRX Plus?
Due to its massive popularity, VigRX Plus is the most frequently counterfeited male enhancement product on the market today. That’s why it is SO important that you buy VigRX Plus from a reputable supplier.

Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Plus Site

If you choose to buy VigRX Plus from Amazon or eBay there’s a very good chance you are going to end up buying a counterfeit version that may contain dangerous, low quality chemicals from China.

The makers of VigRX Plus are constantly battling counterfeit but it’s a tough battle. That said, as long as you’re buying directly from the official VigRX Plus store, you’ll be fine.

2. How to buy VigRX Plus at a discount?

As we mentioned earlier, VigRX Plus isn’t the cheapest but it’s definitely the best.
So, if you don’t mind spending a few more dollars to get great results, then skip the rest and check out VigRX Plus.

That said, there’s a very easy way to save big when you buy VigRX Plus and that is to order more. The makers of VigRX Plus offer HUGE discounts on their 3, 6 and 12 month packages.

If you know you like it and you’re going to continue taking it, we always recommend you get the 6 or 12 month package for maximum savings, and all of a sudden VigRX Plus is actually CHEAPER than most of the competition.

Click Here to Check Price on official Vigrx Plus Site

3. Is VigRX Plus Guaranteed?

The makers of VigRX Plus are so confident in their product they offer one of the best guarantees in the industry. Every single VigRX Plus order is backed with a 67 Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

This is actually pretty unusual. Most products offer a 30 day money back guarantee at best which means you don’t really get to test-drive the product.
With VigRX Plus you can use the product for two solid months and if for any reason you are not happy with the results, send back the empty packages and they will refund your entire purchase price.

Honestly, we couldn’t ask for a much better guarantee.

And when we tested out the guarantee we were pleasantly surprised how easy it was!

4. How long before I see results from VigRX Plus?

As with any natural male enhancement product, results are not instant. The only way to get an instant erection is to use Viagra but that erection only lasts an hour or so and then you need more Viagra.

Imagine being able to get an erection on-demand WITHOUT having to pop a little blue pill that comes with unwanted side effects.
VigRX Plus CAN do that but it is going to take at least a few weeks to build up in your system.

Click Here to visit the official Vigrx Plus Site

But once VigRX Plus has built up in your system, erections-on-demand without prescription medication can be expected.
And as long as you continue to take VigRX Plus, you’ll continue to get results.


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